The Library of A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki was founded in 1974. It is located in an area of 600 square meters, in the central building of the Institution and provides services to 23 Departments of the 5 Schools of the Institution. The main collection of the Library includes material for the scientific knowledge that is covered by all the Departments of the Institute, in order to ensure an immediate access to the collection by the patrons and finally meet the educational and research needs of students and the academic staff. In that case, the loan of the material will be done according to the library loan regulations. However, the collection includes material that is not available for loan such as information material, journals, reserved books collection, audiovisual material, etc. The reference collection consists of general encyclopedias, specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, biographies, directories, audiovisual material, guides-directories, manuals, journals, indexes and abstracts of journals, geographical sources, maps, government publications (Journal of the Government), almanacs, reference material, templates, tables, statistical data. The Academic Staff lists the books of the reserved books collection that will be used from students during that semester. Journals issues, current or older volumes, are not available for loan. However, patrons are allowed to photocopy articles according to the EU platform. In order to provide better services to patrons and through the project “Modernization of the Library of A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki”, which is part of the “Operational Project for Education & Initial Professional Training”, three reading rooms were created. Two of them are located on the main building of the campus (rooms 200 and 300) and the third one on the building of the Health and Caring Professions’ Faculty. Their aim is to provide services to a larger number of patrons. Although, these places are mainly used as reading rooms, they do provide access to the library’s electronic services via the available networked PCs. The services offered from the Library are:
During fall / spring semesters and exam period the Library is open Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 15.00. On public holidays, the Library remains closed.
Contact Library:
Tel: +30 2310 791123-466-467-469-470-471-473
Fax: +30 2310 791472
E-mail: library@lib.teithe.gr
Website: http://www.lib.teithe.gr
Network Operation Center (NOC):
The Network Operation Center of the ATEI of Thessaloniki is responsible for the effective operation, administration and expansion of the data and telephone network. The activities of the Network Operation Center mainly include the following:
The Network Operation Center supports the data network of the ATEI and provides an integrated data network based on a high-speed backbone. Central servers in the network provide Internet services such as e-mail, ftp and WWW. Other innovative applications, such as videoconference and distance education, are also supported.
Since 2000, the ATEI of Thessaloniki participates in the Greek Universities Network (GUNet) in which members are all the Higher Education and Academic Institutions (20 Universities and 14 ATEI). The aims of the GUNet are determined by the broadband network needs and objectives of the Greek academic community in the framework of Information Society aiming at servicing research and education. The Network Operation Center of the ATEI of Thessaloniki has successfully implemented in the past a significant number of projects, supplies and studies, while it actively participates in the processes regarding the determination and implementation of the GUNet’s actions and tasks.
Finally, the Network Operation Center of the ATEI of Thessaloniki aims to the development of collaborations with respective academic, research, educational networks of other countries as well as with the Network Operations Centers of all institutions that participate in the GUNet.
Contact Network Operation Center:
Tel/Fax: +30 2310 791 604
E-mail: noc@noc.teithe.gr
Website: http://www.noc.teithe.gr
Career Services Office
The Career Services Office, which was established in 1997, links education with the labor market. With this service the ATEI of Thessaloniki aims at the continuous exchange of information between the Technological Institute and the socio-economic environment and records the needs of the market and the ability and skills of the students and the graduates. In particular, the Career Services Office is involved in the following activities:
A Career Information Assistant is available to help students to find their way around the Careers’ information and guide them to specific information they need. More specifically, students will find a wide range of careers information:
Another important role of the Career Services Office is to put students in touch with job vacancies. The Office publicizes up to date vacancy information in a variety of ways:
Contact Career Services Office:
Location: Building of School of Health and Medical Care, 1st floor
Office Hours: 8.00 am – 2.00 pm (weekdays)
Tel: +30 2310 791480/481
Fax: +30 2310 791482
E-mail: career@admin.it.teithe.gr
Website: http://www.career.teithe.gr
Office of Educational program “Socrates”
After the acquisition of the Erasmus University Charter-E.U.C from the European Community, the ATEI of Thessaloniki actively joined the Socrates/Erasmus program. Our Institute under the framework of «Socrates/Erasmus» program participates in the following activities:
Our Institute co-operates with more than 101 European Educational Institutes from at least 15 countries, in particular Belgium, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Holland, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and Finland. Contact Office of Educational program Socrates:
Location: Building of School of Health and Medical Care, 2nd floor
Tel/Fax: +30 2310 791479
Fax: +30 2310 79152E-mail: socrates@teithe.gr
Website: http://www.socrates.teithe.gr
Press Center
One of the most significant advances of the Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki is the Press Center, which was established in 1999 through a model program aiming to develop the publishing activities of the Institute and to support the educational system by providing integrated books, informational and conference brochures. Up to now, the major contribution of the Press Center was not only the publication of a large number of books but also the improvement of the educational material for the students and the edition of all the informative material concerning the Institute’s activities. In parallel, these particular actions have a significant financial gain for the Institute.
Contact Press Center:
Tel/Fax: +30 2310 791538-605
E-mail: info@press.teithe.gr
Website: http://www.press.teithe.gr