The Department of Information Technology is one of the six Departments of the School of Technological Applications (S.T.EF.). The operation of the Department began in September 1987 and the first graduation took place in May 1991. Nowadays, more than 1.500 students are enrolled in the Department of Information Technology . Under the Law 3549/2007 all the Institutions of Higher Education are called Higher Educational Institutions (Α.Ε.Ι). The Α.Ε.Ι consist of two sector, the University sector (Universities) and the Technological sector (Τ.Ε.Ι). The main goal of the Department of Information Technology is to supply the work market with high potential executives. The studies main focus lies in the fields of:
A.Τ.Ε.Ι. of Thessaloniki, Department of Information Technology P.O BOX 141 GR T.K 57 400 Thessaloniki, Greece
Τηλ. +30 2310 798727 Fax: +30 2310 798256 e-mail: info@it.teithe.gr
School of Technological Applications